Friday, March 21, 2008

Blog To Help With Condom Size

That does not tell me about HOLIDAY.

"Oh but you're on vacation two weeks now! That's cool! Is at ease I just RELAX!"

The neighbor told me that he has my fist in his mouth.
Damn, it's a blockade of Easter and I'm not going. Besides, I m'expatrie my father where there 's no internet, no TV, no telephone. Will there just little warm company of my classes ...

"Go stop going! You'll still pay you a few days of vacation, right?"

Leave me alone!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cool Homemade Projects

Alévêque ! First

At the risk of being boo, I feel like Alévêque Desproges contemporary. His cynicism and pragmatism is a real treat, everyone eats in joy and gladness!

Immediately extract really powerful =)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Treasure Chest For Favors

hours with Lost Odyssey. A few

Lost Odyssey - Xbox 360

I come back after 10 hours with Lost Odyssey, the latest game Hironobu Sakaguchi signed, Nobuo Uematsu, Mistwalker brief signed. Who says
advice of a dirty fanatical after only ten hours on a RPG purely subjective opinion also said full of impulses passional.

The game starts, it takes full face: it's beautiful, cinematic-transition game is so well done that one wonders if the kinematics is still running until the appearance of controls. It quickly takes its brands, the menus are traditional, clear.

After a few hours I am already completely stuck: I absorbed history, the enchanting environment for me and the indelible mark.
I already feel that feeling back that I had playing FF7, FF8 or rather: the universe itself is better.

contrast to many critics, I found the graphics amazing, it worked with passion: full details of life, panoramas crazy ... We enter a dream.

Speaking of dreams, your hero, immortal and amnesiac, finds itself buried dreams. These dreams appear as text, speaks of fénéantise and I fuck. It is clear that the game is made by enthusiasts, the attention to decor, history, the staging (directed by excesses which have been criticized, but shit, there 's OK some bad ideas, but we are still miles away from what we've seen until now!) is huge (and loads that are actually present do not reflect a lax, but we have shown dealing with more artists than technicians.). In short those dreams are texts very well written, telling us different stories are very different and truly immersive. Why the choice of text? Because a dream is never precise, there is a veil of vagueness, we imagine the places and characters and you realize that finally there was too much.

The game is not without punch and humor is not lacking (With Jansen who initially may seem really heavy, but quickly became a source of genuine laughs.) fights are beautiful, tough boss (See picture right above, which is a Boss I like difficult but wildly enjoyable.).

I'll stop here, this game got poisoned.
I officially said I have not felt since FF8 ca. I hope the feeling will not slowed down, and that the adventure is still as striking!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Community Service Completion Letter Letter

Desproges? I hate physics

Ah, this great man! Who could laugh about her cancer, which was playing on the fate and critics who liked the edge of political correctness.
Whether you know it or not, j'vous offers one of his texts, or rather one of its definitions, taken from "Dictionary Unnecessary use of the Elite and wealthy."

Laugh, green, yellow, but laugh!

Female : n., from Latin femina. Being human male sex not
"Woman is the product of a supernumerary bone" said Bossuet that can not be accused of misogyny, given the exquisite understanding it displays all his life against the fairer sex, whores and Huguenot excepted.
This definition all suffused with delicacy now seems somewhat restrictive. The woman, when you look closer, is much more than a bony prominence. The woman is an organic material substance composed of many minerals and other chemicals dressed in Greco-Roman names such as hydrogen or carbon dioxide, which are also found in humans, but in proportions that commands respect. Variously
amalgamated them into strange cellular networks whose palpable reality that we apprehend the existence of God, these tissues of the female body are the viscera. Some are the seat of love.
The woman is quite close to humans, as the Brittany Spaniel. In this last detail that is missing from the Brittany Spaniel that speech, when he lost the woman to shut up. Moreover, the dress of red Brittany Spaniel is fire him and he just one.
Devoid of soul, the woman is unable to rise to God. However, it is generally provided with a ladder that allows it to rise toward the ceiling to the tile. That is all we asked.
The woman can not reproduce alone, it needs the help of man, which sometimes does not hesitate to take on his sleep to impregnate her. Close observers say that the wife takes great pleasure in the satisfaction of its viviparity.
Gestation in women, lasts two hundred seventy days, during which she binges, ugly, vaguely wailed, while helping to drive up the curves of absenteeism in the workplace.
After these nine months, the little man was born. Childbirth is painful. Fortunately, the woman holds the hand of man. Thus, it suffers less.

Make Your On Football Visors

Well, I'm kind of honest (Huh?), While AC had to sort one day or another.
I hate physics with all my soul, with all my strength, my whole being.

No, but you must be crazy or masochistic to love this! It is a synthesis of everything that is worst in this world! Much biology does not give the total certainty of living, and can make us dream about the amazing complexity of the world. Physics, she breaks down while fucking equations of crappy, cold.
A cell is pretty and has a mechanical ca great, but knowing the physical laws that govern the electron Transfers between her, not friends, I can not! Okay okay

is practice, it allows many advances, it would not be where we are without. But then j'vous beg that all physicists gather in a remote island where he can corrupt anyone, and so we make a report on new equations crappy at the end of each year.

Or write them on the moon, it will already bored by the mechanics, nor by the kinetic and potential energy! Ah, you'd look a lot more cons already! Not gonna stop
AC becomes mean, nasty limit.

PS: for ptits who are gullible to believe that math is really hot, but that physics is related to reality and therefore it's easier because much more logical. Well I say STOP! Example: electricity, we see nothing, that's all the conceptual elements that must be successfully represent themselves with rules that are complex and dull from page to page.

(But do not leave band of physicists, j'vous likes anyway, I'm the big con that castigates blase about everything that I can not understand ^ ^)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cant Find Ds Pin Number

Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

psp castlevania This is really a great surprise!
should know that the game is a remake of Castlevania Rondo Of Blood surti PC engine there is a long time. This episode had a well-deserved success in Japan but was never able to see the game from us (Normal as the PC Engine was also not released.).

The remake is really successful: the songs are re-orchestrated properly, the game is in 2.5D (A 3D side-scrolling) which allows beautiful staging, a good momentum and especially a
impressive depth of field. The handling is like the original version of the game:
is very accurate, even if the character is moving slowly, the controls are
haired ass!
The difficulty is to go, but the game has the intelligence to offer two final bosses: a simple version for those who have not finished the game the way and a full-bodied version for the hardcore perfectionist.

In addition the game features the original version of Rondo of Blood to unlock and * drumroll * the superbmagnifique Castlevania Symphony of the Night! No need to dwell on it, it is the first and best castlevania propose an exploration in Metroid (You have a huge map to explore with items, weapons of all kinds.). In addition it incorporates RPG elements.

From all good so the kids!
Take yourselves to the mouth of the bat, you will not regret it!

From your humble servant, Caelu '