Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Type Of Mucus Before Period Comes On

And life goes on.

It is seen that the exams are approaching, otherwise I would not have this burning desire to waste my time writing on my blog. Let's make life sing! Eat life! Yes my brother, get up, screams, shakes you, climbs a tree, shake your arm, make up the sap. Amen.

In fact, I'm gloomy there. Yes, I think I am gloomy. Shit. We will say that this is a wind of madness passenger. Otherwise a good way to sing live is also to listen to Oingo Boingo. Because it's good, powerful, profound and original eighties. (That was not even intentional but the transition could be made.) You know Danny Elfman, composer madman who composed the music (among others) Tim Burton movies, and much Oingo Boingo was the first public expression of his génie.Une dozen people form the group sounding ska-punk-rock (so to speak.) the words raw and tinged with black humor.

I never heard such a thing before I heard the band when I did a search on Lisa Code (Series KD2A going on and who has fantasized a lot of young prepubescent.) J ' I saw that the generic "Weird Science" was to them, I watch the videos and I find attached "Little Girl" , Pedobear Anthem (I want to reassure the is not a song ode to pedophilia, it's a song denouncing this one very ... Very.).

This is too much. I need more. I download the album "Anthology" (I want to tell Hadopi I ordered the original CD.) Listen to it all. It should be noted that the group is quite original, it is sometimes confusing at first listen, but then we will come back and we want more. I will not do a review of the excellence of thing, putting words to music I like is something I very hard to do, so I'll put two on the three pieces radio and advise you listen to different tracks.

pieces pierce me ass: Nasty Habits, Insanity (We see here that Elfman was the right man to Tim Burton. You should know that Burton chose Elfman for his film because he was a fan group.) Dead Man's Party , Little Girls, Grey Matter , No spill blood, Stay, Is not This The Life, ...

(P'tain, feat, Oingo Boingo Nobuo Uematsu has passed in my lastfm charts number and password so ouone. Go Nobuo reacts shit, you get lynched by an old group has been.)

As we talked music, or rather since I was talking music (You're not really talking, you see.), I announce the addition of some thirty pieces of oldies games (I want to say that I Hadopi n 't have the rights to these songs, and I fuck because it is not found.). There's the amiga this time children and a piece of Beneath a Steel Sky, enough farting around your ears with chiptune old age.

Speaking of oldies (You feel comfortable the second transition moldy? Me too.), We could perhaps begin themed video games, like that for fun. First, the trailer made me laugh, that of Final Fantasy Versus XIII , the game looks very very nice in light of the first cutscenes but then WHY THIS? It destroys any hope that I founded this minute trailer (the rest of the video who cares) is packed with pictures of bad taste, staged at the fast and furious (or I do know what's wrong), acceleration, idle, split screen but especially THE PHRASES OF ITALIAN OPERA IN ARIAL font with a royal blue. This trailer is really, or is it that my sick mind has invented. No I'm not crazy. This video does exist and undermines all the values that I brought into this world. I


Apart c't'horreur I did some shopping for nice ... Uh ... December (About time.) Firstly I bought Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance and Castlevania Aria of Sorrow. The first is quite nice to play but it is very ugly (much as Circle Of The Moon), the color palette is shabby, the music is bland and non-existent problem. The game ends at 200% in 8 hours, in short you might think it's a bit of poo. But ultimately the sauce takes is addictive, the castle is fun to explore and movements of the hero is a big plus (This is just perfect before sliding.).

Rereading these few sentences I realize that a guy who has never played castlevania does not understand ... Too bad for him. The second

by cons, Aria of Sorrow, is a gem. Beautiful designs, quality music and a really beautiful castle (It was entitled to areas varied but still consistent with a proper level design.). In addition we find a game with a difficulty, average course, but present. A very good pick who has not aged a good "contemporary" in Symphony of the night.

Cardigan with video games, it becomes heavy. I have a sudden urge to talk about playoffs, especially Coupling. But time passes, so it will not until a few months (Ahah. No it's not a joke. Or maybe it does.).

Good day everyone, some good blockade.

Your servant, Caelu, minestrone valiant.


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