Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Does The Color Bands Mean?

BETWEEN TWO tennis ...

A bill moved to all those who have followed my little fancy minor poems : Koka has already said in his blog how much she was touched by your signs of friendship, but I wanted me also thank you for trusting us (not easy to give his address and his "real" name) and have played the game with as much simplicity.
If you missed the proposal, please go read the article entitled Free , and as Never too late to do send me your address by mail : I post again tomorrow morning for two books of "late".

PS I did follow all your mails Koka indulgent ... some of these maps are signs of you ... about the crunchy, um, sorry, there no longer! We are sorry for the bad quality of binding, but the printer should not be the best in the township!


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