Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shades Simila To Mac Nc20


Continued Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
And in fact what is the new standard for this work? On behalf of flexibility, the employee is given more complex tasks, more complete but also more demanding in terms of skills in terms of availability. You have to know everything, meet any instant, in a word to be versatile. These new forms of work organization may seem trivial but the stress they cause is often the cause of suffering at work of a different nature from those caused Taylorism but whose effects are painful, even more, because insidious and harder to circumvent. Implicit blackmail accompanies these methods, accentuated by the competitive atmosphere that prevails on the global economy. With, the key, printing the employee subject to these pressures it is no standing because he is not doing, it is beneath contempt because he did not nia it would take to solve all problems, it is just pathetic because he oar ...

same time, know-how from the Taylorist repoint his nose. The procedures are carefully analyzed and are subject to forms of process imposed on the performer, where everything is, how to greet the customer to how to manage conflict. The employee then establishes a standardized behavior that is supposed to protect him, but that compels.

There is also a pervasive control of the "recording conversations to improve the quality of our services," the timing of recording time made easier by electronic funds, through the movement control staff facilitated by the use of GPS. NICT allow continuous monitoring of the employee and a ruthless performance measurement: number of calls per hour, number of people washed morning, many sandwiches served per day, number of registered customers in cases etc. ... And smile, please. Even the quality of the smile is measured: at McDonald's for example, it should be looking at the client in the eyes *. And always at McDonald's, versatility reign after assuring the counter service, it will sweep, making the plunge and work the kitchens. And of course cope brilliantly with all contingencies.

We no longer speak of pace, but objective. Either the employee will be fast enough to meet the anticipated timings, it will be unpaid overtime to meet its objectives.

Because you know what has been forgotten in this new Taylorism? The principle of redistribution of productivity gains that allowed, in theory at least, the Chaplin of the chain bearing the cadenzas. Now the challenge is just to keep his job. Or, as we are now being asked knowingly accept earn much less to prevent the closure of our training. Pay legal, hours actually worked, are removed by the education authority on the basis of individual negotiation and volunteering. Illegally, since in contradiction with the texts, but who would dare drag a rector who can do your job disappear without further ado, an administrative court.

And what will become of the students you say? Oh, no problem, the private training bloom. If you had seen the astonishment of the parents when I told them that the license in preparing my high school diploma to a state (not only recognized training by itself) was entirely free. What? No registration fee? no school fees? But no, Madame, Monsieur, l'Education Nationale, you remember, free education and free for all, the black hussars of the Republic, the shoes that go up ...

* For your edification, here, according to Jean-Pierre Durand, The invisible chain, Le Seuil, 2004, basic tasks at McDonald's (Set Position "Counter Service")

Greet customers o Smile and greet the customer with a warm voice, look the customer in the eye o Have a friendly attitude and enthusiastic

Order Taking o Be careful when the customer places his order o Repeat if necessary the customer's order. Make suggestive selling or foamed (1) o Communicate orders to kitchen grill o Ask if the command is to eat in or take out the amount o Advertise

Build Order o Build the command in the order recommended o Use for sales take-home packs "best of" if possible, otherwise appropriate size bags o Check the quality of products ( if the product is not perfect, do not use it) o Respect the holding time of products o Knowledge of the principle of "Mc Time"

Show Order • Check the accuracy Order o For takeout, close packs and bags with a double fold, presenting them to the client side folded to you o For orders on the spot, soft tray to the customer o Provide a welcome gift for children

Receive payment o Clarify the amount of the order o Clarify o Enter the amount received from the fund o Place the amount received the tickets through the box o State the amount received and put money in the hands of the customer with the receipt o Ranger tickets

Thank the customer and invite return o Thank the customer and invite them to come back to a warm and sincere tone o Never put into service of products returned by the customer o make room when they are ready, waiting products

(1) A sale is a charming addition to the appropriate command, a foamed sale is superior the same product.


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